Due to the conflict between the rebel group Katharon and the Federation's A-Laws task force, the A-Laws raid a colony under construction to arrest several Katharon members and a falsely accused Saji Crossroad, who is then forced to do high gravity labour on the Proud Colony. When an attempt by Katharon to free the prisoners is intercepted by the A-Laws and many prisoners are killed, Saji is saved by Setsuna F Seiei, who has infiltrated the colony on an investigation of the A-Laws. When Setsuna is unable to hold off the A-Laws' mobile suits in his battered Gundam Exia, Tieria Erde arrives in the Gundam Seravee and drives off the enemy. Saji is brought onboard the Ptolemaios 2, but is detained when he, now aware of Setsuna's identity as a Gundam Meister, threatens to kill Setsuna.